The Rocky Mountain Political Law Institute is a educational nonprofit aiming to teach legal basics to activists around the country. 

We envision a country where widespread public knowledge of the law means political power no longer belongs to only those who can afford lawyers. 

As activists ourselves, we aim to deliver the information that other activists need to know about the First Amendment, ballot access, campaign finance, elections and voting, and forming and running organizations.

The RMPLI Mission

Our mission is to promote broad public participation in government decision making and the political process by educating the public about the mechanisms of political power.

The RMPLI Vision

We envision a country where widespread public knowledge of the law means political power no longer belongs to only those who can afford lawyers. 

Our Values

Integrity & Stewardship

We serve our community by serving everyone in it.


Everyone is welcome and has the right to participate, regardless of their economic, social, or educational status.


Good faith collaboration is vital for success.


We believe that true progress can only be made when we are respectful to one another.

Life-Long Learning

The people can be empowered through education – an educated community is a civically engaged community.